The Speakers
Michael Obiero Oyengo
Dr. Michael O. Oyengo is currently a Math Lecturer at Maseno University Kenya.
After finishing his PhD in Mathematics at the University of Illinois, Michael O. Oyengo returned to Maseno with the desire to improve how math is taught and learned in Kenyan schools and colleges. Following his experience teaching mathematics online at UIUC, he strongly believed that online education, if properly used, could revolutionize teaching and learning of mathematics in Kenya (and Africa at large). His conviction is because of availability of cheap smartphones and increasing access to internet across Africa. Having experienced firsthand the difficulties of single-handedly teaching large classes (more than 500 students), he employed STACK (with help from the University of Edinburgh) to teach his next two big classes. Being the first person to use STACK in teaching his classes, and having experienced its many benefits, Dr. Oyengo is keen to see its wide use across Africa.
Indrek Zolk
Lecturer of mathematical analysis and programme director of Mathematics bachelor programme in University of Tartu.
Indrek has taught a wide range of undergraduate mathematics courses: calculus, one- and multivariable analysis, logics and set theory, graph theory, abstract and linear algebra, analytic geometry, mathematics olympiads, typesetting mathematical text, etc. He has PhD in Mathematics 2010. He has published papers in functional analysis. In fall 2014 Indrek was visiting Czech Technical University in Prague. Previously (in the 2000s) has worked as a programmer, server administrator and taught programming, computer hardware and literacy in vocational as well as high-school level. He has been member of jury for national mathematics olympiads and informatics quiz Beaver for several years. Published learning materials on olympiad-style mathematics and computer hardware.
Indrek has pioneered and promoted STACK in the University of Tartu starting from 2018. By now, STACK already has gathered a number of users in University of Tartu (courses "Calculus I", "Calculus II", "Numerical methods", "Probability and mathematical statistics" and others). He has led projects intended to develop the question base of STACK questions for Calculus I and Calculus II.